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COFFI Consumer-researcher Online Seminar III - Where lived experience and science meet

Post-exertional malaise and setbacks in chronic fatigue conditions: Cutting-edge neuroscience approach”


Live Seminar was held on Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 (20:30 CET, 19:30 GMT, 12:30 MST)/ Wednesday, November 13th (06:30 AEDT).


People with chronic fatigue conditions can experience recurrence of symptoms, often precipitated by physical, emotional or cognitive exertion. Termed post-exertional malaise (PEM), this can pose a big challenge to full recovery. We aim to explore explanations and management approaches for post-exertional malaise and setbacks in chronic fatigue conditions in a dialogue between research scientists, clinicians and consumers.

COFFI is a global research collaborative dedicated to research to help explain, treat and manage fatigue and persistent somatic symptoms following infection. The COFFI Consumer Advisory Group advise on COFFI’s research portfolio, and promote constructive public narrative around helping patients, researchers and practitioners work together for managing and recovering from these conditions.

Watch the Seminar replay here on Youtube


Professor Silje Reme

Health Psychologist

Head of the Mind-Body Laboratory, University of Oslo

Steering Group Chair, Oslo Fatigue Network


Professor Silje Reme is a clinical pain psychologist at Oslo University Hospital. Her research focuses on chronic pain treatment, chronic post-surgical pain prevention, chronic fatigue, stress, and work disability.

Dr Becca Kennedy

Family Medicine Physician               

Portland, Oregon

Member of the Oslo Fatigue Network


Dr. Becca Kennedy. She used an evidence-based neuroscience approach to chronic conditions while working at Kaiser Permanente, where she was the lead of the Long-COVID specialty group for the Northwest Kaiser region. Dr. Kennedy now runs her own clinic for chronic conditions using this neuroscience model of care.

Rachel Whitfield

Leadership Trainer and Coach

Bristol, UK

Co-chair COFFI Consumer Advisory Committee COFFI


Rachel Whitfield developed long covid during the pandemic and has now fully recovered.  She has since told her story multiple times to the BBC and ITV as well as a variety of podcasts, YouTube channels and her blog, helping many people find a path to recovery.  With a background in biochemistry, she is now a leadership trainer and coach.

Fiona Symington

Oxford, UK

Member of the COFFI Consumer Advisory Committee

Fiona Symington lived with M.E/CFS for 14 years, and chronic pain for 25 years before recovering completely using mind-body medicine five years ago. .She is now passionate about the science that helped her recover and which is helping many others find relief from a variety of chronic symptoms.


Time (UK)




Welcome and introduction

Rachel Whitfield


Experiences of post-exertional malaise

Fiona Symington, Rachel Whitfield


Scientific explanations

Prof Silje Reme


Resonance with lived experience

Fiona Symington, Rachel Whitfield


Approaches that may help post-exertional malaise

Dr. Becca Kennedy


Discussion and questions


Questions from the audience




Rachel Whitfield, Prof Silje Reme

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©2020 by The Collaborative on Fatigue and related symptoms Following Infection (COFFI)

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